Herbal Infusions - Powerful healing and easier than you think

I love herbal infusions!! 🌿

Herbal infusions are highly concentrated herbal tea - made with more herbs and steeped longer than your typical cup of tea. They occupy the space between food and medicine. Unlike traditional teas, which steep for just a few minutes, herbal infusions require a longer steeping time, allowing for a more profound extraction of nutrients from the herbs.

Before discussing the basics of making infusions and some helpful herbs to try, let's talk a bit about minerals.

Minerals support hydration. 💦

Before we delve into the specifics of herbal infusions, let's highlight the critical role minerals play in hydration. Proper hydration is essential for overall health, impacting everything from digestion to mental clarity. Minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium are vital for maintaining fluid balance in our bodies. Herbal infusions become a delicious and natural way to replenish these essential minerals, benefiting your well-being on multiple levels.

Minerals support physical and emotional balance. ⚖️

Minerals are known to have a grounding and stabilizing effect on our physiology. Adequate amounts of crucial minerals are essential for muscle contraction and bone health. Minerals such as magnesium have a calming and sedating effect that can support sleep and rest.

The basics of making an herbal infusion.📝

Choose herbs safe for everyday use and offer the potential benefits you seek. Here are some to consider:

Nettles: A Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse

Vitamins and Minerals: Nettles are bursting with essential nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Physical Health Benefits: Nettles support the immune system, promote healthy skin, and contribute to strong bones. Their natural diuretic properties can aid in detoxification and fluid balance.

Emotional Health Benefits: Nettle infusions are grounding and calming, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. They foster a sense of stability and emotional resilience.

Oat Straw: The Quiet Nourisher

Vitamins and Minerals: Oat straw is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Physical Health Benefits: Oat straw infusions are known for supporting the nervous system, improving circulation, and maintaining healthy skin. They can also aid in digestion and bone health.

Emotional Health Benefits: Oat straw has a soothing effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and mental clarity without sedation. It's a gentle, nourishing ally for reducing stress.

Raspberry Leaf: The Uterine Tonic

Vitamins and Minerals: Raspberry leaf contains vitamins C and E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Physical Health Benefits: Raspberry leaf infusions' benefits include supporting uterine health and tone, regulating the menstrual cycle, and reducing menstrual discomfort, especially during the perimenopausal period.

Emotional Health Benefits: Raspberry leaf is nurturing, offering emotional support during physical transformation. It encourages a sense of empowerment and connection to the body.

Making your infusion

Creating your herbal infusion is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:


1/2 cup of your chosen herb (e.g., nettles, oat straw, or raspberry leaf)

1 quart of hot water (not boiling)


Place the herb in a heat-resistant container or teapot. I like to use a quart mason jar.

Bring the water to a boil and let it cool slightly (around 190°F or 88°C).

Pour the hot water over the herb.

Cover and let it steep for at least 4 hours or overnight. I often do this at night before going to bed.

In the morning, strain the infusion. You can sip 1-2 cups throughout the day. You can keep the unused portion in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Things to keep in mind:

🌿 The Whole-Plant Advantage

One aspect of herbal infusions is that they provide a holistic experience, engaging your sense of taste and smell and your intention. As you prepare and sip your infusion, you connect with the plant and its healing properties. This mindful wellness approach can enhance the benefits of herbal infusions, aligning your mind and body.

As you work with and drink your infusions, see what you notice regarding the immediate and longer-term effects. Choosing one herb to work with for several weeks at a time can be helpful.

Moreover, herbal infusions differ from mineral supplements because they offer a whole-plant experience. They contain a synergy of compounds, fibers, and phytonutrients that work together to support your health. Unlike isolated mineral supplements, this holistic approach ensures that your body can absorb and utilize these nutrients effectively.

🌿 Use Quality Herbs

Ethically sourced, organic herbs are essential. The quantities of herbs used to make infusions are larger than a typical cup of tea. It can be helpful to buy in bulk.

Some sources for quality herbs include:

Mountain Rose Herbs

Starwest Botanicals

Consider buying with friends or family members to save on shipping costs.

In conclusion, herbal infusions offer a bridge between food and medicine, providing a natural source of vitamins, minerals, and hydration. Nettles, oat straw, and raspberry leaf are just some herbs that can enrich your health journey.

To your health,

Dr. Nicole


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